Mountain Love


8 comments on “Mountain Love”

  1. Will you be posting more often here?
    Hope you are safe and happy, Eunice!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have been trying to 🙂 my reader is hard to find all of you on 😦

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ahh, that Reader! I don’t use it a lot, as often it seems to be the same 12 blogs, all day, over and over. Go figure! xo

        Liked by 1 person

        • So how do you find all the bloggers you follow?

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          • Eunice!
            It’s just been an organic happening.
            I have a few pals I make sure to go to their blog and visit regularly. I have some pals that .. one day I think “Oh, what’s so & so up to?” So I go visit them. Then they might visit me back.
            Sometimes someone thinks of me and pops by, so I am reminded and go visit them.
            I mean, blogging is not my job, I do it for pleasure. Yes, I think of selling something time to time, but I need a manager or so. I just like being creative.
            I do a lot of posts that are shared type posts, where I involve other pals in an idea. Like on my GLAM blog, when I did an article on your art! We got a lot of feedback. I got some follows.
            Often, not always, they reblog, then someone who follows them comes by for a look see. They might then follow me, and I might follow back.
            Sometimes I get to blog for 2 or 3 hours a day, but mostly 1/2-1 hour.
            I guess, I just have fun! xoxo

            Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much funny how that wet piece of paper take the colors ever so softly when I am usually bold then again it was Arches 🙂


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